Friday, June 3, 2011

The Challenge...

So, I have a dance recital coming up in about two weeks...yikes! We are performing the Cell Block Tango from the play/movie "Chicago." I love it! It's very theatrical and sophisticated compared to last year's disco routine. When I first (re) watched the routine on YouTube to get costume ideas I almost fell out of my seat-they are wearing next to nothing! And of course those women have amazing dancer bodies! Hmmm...well, I'm not going to get too worked up-I think I can find a way to catch the theme but make it a little more, um...covered up. :)

In the meantime here is my two week challenge: to do sit ups. Yup, just DO THEM PERIOD! Whether it be 20, 50 or 200 (ha ha), I am going to do them at night while I watch TV. I'm not expecting any miracles but hey, you gotta start somewhere and now I've got a little motivation.

I am trying to eat well but I swear if I think about not eating this or that, it makes it just more tempting to indulge. And then I feel guilty and that gets me nowhere. So I'm going to continue to eat normally, avoid fast food and just eat sweets in much smaller amounts. (My iced coffee drinks, that's another story! I have not worked on that addiction quite yet!). So, in two weeks I'll be posting recital pics and hopefully some improvement in the ab department. :)

In completely unrelated news, here is what my silly husband did tonight...cut out his face and put it over P.Diddy in this ad...I have been cracking up all night-I'm pretty sure laughter like this counts as a workout!


  1. hahaha love Sean keepin' it real! for bod...ummm don't go there friend! you look amazing! :)

  2. Ha ha, thanks! Let's see how I feel in a leotard and tights though! :) Sean is hilarious, this is the kind of goofy things he does on a regular basis!
