Thursday, August 11, 2011


Okay, okay, I'm WAY behind on my blog. That's because I'm not a real blogger. :) A true blogger would be on the ball! But hey, later than never right? Either way it's nice to have this to reflect back on and have an idea of what the heck was going on in my life. So far this summer has flown by! After my last post about Father's Day, we took a mini family trip to Las Vegas-for recreation and to visit Sean's dad's side of the family who have a vacation home out there. It was much more fun than last year mostly because Matthew as a 2 year old is much easier than Matthew as an 18 month old for traveling. He had a blast and was pretty easy going the whole trip....whew!!! It was nice to get away for a bit and have a change of scenery!

Next up was the 4th of July. I definitely want to remember this one! What I love about our "hometown" (which I consider both San Dimas AND La Verne) is that it is extremely family oriented and the 4th is a BIG holiday out here. They have an annual parade which features military, lots of local organizations and city council. Everyone comes out and lines up along Bonita Ave and sets up chairs, Easy-ups and even the neighborhood residents have parties on their lawns. It was so fun to have Matthew sit in his little chair the whole time and watch a full parade this year! We also came back later to watch fireworks from Bonita High School and again, Matthew was great and sat and watched all the fireworks-he even knew all the colors which just amazed me how much he has learned in the last few months!

Other than that, our summer has been continuing Gymboree classes (which he LOVES), swim classes at the Claremont Club (which he does NOT love, only sometimes he has a good day...he he) and occasionally getting together with a few of my friends who have little boys about Matthew's age and taking them on little trips to children's museums and parks. I'm just really trying to enjoy the rest of the summer and hopefully continue to get Matthew in the pool a little more...because before you know it, it's going to be FALL! (And yes, I've already been peeking online to see what new toddler Halloween costumes are out there! :) Until next time...

Here's my favorite photo from this summer so far...